Goodness Apple

Award for Akshaya Patra

Posted in Enterprising by goodnessapple on May 1, 2010

SANGAREDDY: The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO, feeding nearly 1.2 million children everyday across India including Medak district, has been awarded by the Indian Urban Space Foundation as the Best Innovative Project for the Innovations in Services for Urban Poor.

Selja Kumari, the Union Minister for Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), Government of India, presented the award at an awards ceremony in New Delhi, according to a press release issued here on Friday.

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The Hindu

Extending a helping hand to the needy

Posted in Humanity by goodnessapple on April 28, 2010

Good Samaritans rescue orphans – Photo: MOHD. ARIF

Timely help: Collector Suresh Kumar and Zilla Parishad Chairman Balaiah handing over a cheque for Rs. 5,000 to Srikanth and Swapna in Sangareddy. Also seen is teacher

SANGAREDDY: Three men at different levels – a teacher, Collector and the Zilla Parishad chairman – made a difference in the life of two orphan children. The role played by the teacher culminated in promising a colourful future for them.

When K. Srikanth was studying in class IV and his sister, Swapna in studying class VIII, tragedy struck them one after another in the past four months. Though they belong to Muddapur in Papannapet mandal, the family migrated to Hyderabad to make a living as labourers.

On the New Year day, the children lost their mother, Pochamma, due to ill health. Heart-broken over the loss of better half, their father, Kishtaiah, also breathed his last breath on April 15, leaving the children alone.

U. Narasimhulu, a teacher of the same village who attended the funeral of both the wife and husband, decided to extend a helping hand to the children. The information was passed on to Zilla Parishad chairman M. Balaiah who asked the teacher to bring the children to Sangareddy. Then it was informed to Collector S. Suresh Kumar.

Admitted to schools

Suresh Kumar got them admitted in residential hostels so that they can continue their education and issued orders in this regard.

Mr. Balaiah advanced Rs. 5,000 to them. When the question of taking care of them during the summer holidays arose, it was Narasimhulu who came forward. “I lost my father in my childhood. I did not even remember him. My mother brought me up while working in the fields and I assisted her,” Narasimhulu told The Hindu.

Reference Link

The Hindu