Goodness Apple

First day in Commons for youngest MP Pamela Nash

Posted in Politics by goodnessapple on May 18, 2010
Pamela Nash

Ms Nash previously worked as a researcher for John Reid

“Luckily I am one of the few new MPs who have been working in Westminster for the last couple of years so I am currently the tour guide for all the new Scottish MPs,” laughed Pamela Nash.

At 25 years old, as well as being among the 14 new Scottish MPs taking up their seats on the green benches for the first time, she is also the UK’s youngest MP.

She worked as a parliamentary researcher for the man she has replaced, John Reid, before being selected to stand as the new Labour candidate for the Airdrie and Shotts constituency.

“I think, like any business, the parliament needs new blood, as well as experience. It is this mixture that will enrich parliament,” she said.

“Young people have been under-represented at Westminster for a very long time and I feel it’s important that the parliament should be representative of the whole community and this means that we need MPs in their 20s to represent young people.”

“That said, I won’t just be representing young people, I will be representing everyone in Airdrie and Shotts.”

I will fight to bring Labour back into government
Pamela Nash MP

Ms Nash hails from the former mining village of Chapelhall in Lanarkshire and grew up in the area she now represents.

Her seat is safe, in a Labour stronghold, secured with a majority of more than 12,000 votes.

She thinks her party must now concentrate on winning back confidence and votes south of the border.

“I have lived through a New Labour government. I remember the Tories from my childhood but I am also a product of New Labour. I will fight to bring Labour back into government,” she stated.

In the coming Labour leadership contest Ms Nash has already publicly backed David Miliband.

Views heard

She said: “For a while now it has been him I have looked to for leadership.

“New Labour is not so new anymore and we now have to reach out to middle England, to the voters that we have lost, as well as the core voters that we have left behind.

houses of parliament

There are 14 new Scottish MPs taking up their seats at Westminster

“It is time for the next stage of the Labour project and I believe that David Miliband is the best person to move us forward.”

New members of the House of Commons arrived last week to collect their security passes and take part in a series of sessions designed to help them settle in at Westminster.

They have now now been getting down to business joining their other, more seasoned, colleagues to elect a speaker.

Ms Nash said at the forefront of what she hopes to achieve as one of the newest members of the parliament is ensuring that people her age get their say.

“I have spoken to a lot of young people during the last few weeks and months of campaigning who want their views heard in parliament and I am looking forward to representing those views.”

Reference Link

BBC News

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