Goodness Apple

102 physically challenged persons get jobs at mela

Posted in Enterprising by goodnessapple on March 29, 2010

DINDIGUL, India: For the first time, private companies offered jobs to 102 physically disabled persons and persons with developmental disorders through a mega job mela organised by the district administration here recently. Most of them joined duty in the respective companies on Saturday itself.

While one disabled got supervisory job in a spinning mill to check quality of yarn, another one joined as warden and yet other one became a legal adviser to a spinning mill. Thirteen persons joined duty as computer operators and rest of the recruits as industrial workers.

The job mela also provided opportunity and financial assistance to enterprising disabled to set up their own businesses.

Collector M Vallalar, who inaugurated the mela, said that disabled persons and persons with developmental disorders tend to have special skills in a particular field. Opportunity should be given to such persons. They were not weak, as perceived by many.

Disabled persons should not hesitate to grab an opportunity. Over 40,000, out of a total population of 20 lakhs in the district, had some developmental disorder or other. They could not expose their skills owing to lack of opportunity, he said.

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The Hindu