Goodness Apple

Sanyo’s HIT Solar Cells are a Hit in Italy

Posted in Eco, Science 'n' Technology by goodnessapple on June 8, 2010

Sanyo HIT Solar Cells

Japan’s Sanyo Electric Company is creating a record by powering the largest solar pant in Italy with its HIT solar cells. The Project funded by a consortium led by Deutsche Bank is expected to be completed by September 2010. Sanyo is successfully on its way to make the dream of a clean-energy society a reality.


HIT solar cells’ onward march:
Sanyo’s HIT solar cells, famous for their high-conversion efficiency are now marching on to Italy. Thanks to the use of HIT solar cells, soon there will be feasibility of excellent-quality power production in the biggest power station in Italy. An increase in the amount of quality-power generation per installation area of HIT solar cells makes the HIT solar cells a very favorable choice.

Advantages of HIT solar cells:
The hybrid Sanyo HIT cells, made from thin mono-crystal silicon surrounded by ultra-thin amorphous silicon are now more cost efficient both production-wise as well as raw-materials-wise. Reduction in the optical absorption loss and reduction in resistance loss make the Sanyo HIT Photovoltaic Modules the ideal choice for powering the plant. Utilizing 32,202 HIT solar cells, the plant will generate approximately 7.6 MW of renewable and clean energy.

HIT solar cells in large-scale production:
HIT solar cells have already been successful in small-sized systems for homesteads and medium-sized solar systems for larger buildings/complexes. Now the time has come for Sanyo’s HIT Photovoltaic Modules to show the world that large-scale clean renewable power production is possible, reiterating HIT’s high-conversion efficiency and cost efficiency.

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AE News Network

'Sustainable development means life for everyone forever'

Posted in Eco, Heroes by goodnessapple on May 16, 2010

Raghav Mimani, a third-year student of BITS Pilani, is the proud recipient of the ‘Green Globe Foundation Award for 2010’ instituted by TERI. He was also among the 469 people from 120 countries who participated in the ‘World Youth Meeting for Sustainable Future’ held at Bari, Italy [ Images ] on January 19-21, 2010.

Shalini Gupta of Careers360 quizzes Raghav on his passion…

What does sustainable development mean to you?

I was particularly struck by a simple definition of sustainable development by a kid. He said, “It means life for
everyone forever”. Let me cite it with an analogy. I am a big fan of The Jungle Book and love Mowgli’s character.

Let us persume that our aim or target is to increase the economic growth of the world. To achieve that, we could have a quiver full of arrows symbolising fuel, power etc., (which is ultimately going to run out) as we meet our target. But if we learn from Mowgli, we could also use a boomerang that symbolises natural resources such as wind power, solar power, thermal energy and nuclear energy.

This way not only do we meet our targets, but also ensure that our
resources are never finished.

How was your experience at the workshops in Italy?

Amidst a plethora of opinions being voiced by an august gathering, I ended up framing and modifying a lot of my perspectives.

The President of the Republic of Kiribati stressed the alleged false sense of security especially when it comes to our future, while the Finland’s PM reiterated the role of forests in nation building.

The Prime Minister of Quebec made an enlightening case on how we can visualise climate change troubles as an opportunity for the future.

I especially remember an impacting statement by Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai (talking about the delay in efforts negating the climate change).

“If you see that you will be under sea, is that when you will really see?” she asked.

What are your plans for the future?

I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, as an entrepreneur one can impact the lives of many people. I avidly read business magazines and newspapers to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the field.

I am also a member of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL) at BITS Pilani.

It is one of the top five centres of entrepreneurship
amongst Indian universities. It is a great forum to discuss, debate, ideate and develop fresh new perspectives.

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Solar Greenhouse to Produce Food and Electricity

Posted in Science 'n' Technology by goodnessapple on May 13, 2010

Imagine a greenhouse that is producing solar power and food too. This excellent experiment is being done in Italy. The companies responsible for this project are Renewable energy company Solar ReFeel, CeRSAA and solar panel manufacturer Solyndra. The test site has been constructed at CeRSAA’s Albenga, Italy. The project intends to attain the production of both food and electricity. The research team also wants to validate the crop growth benefits of Solyndra’s technology by taking help of independent testing by a leading agricultural research institution.


The project region is spread over an area of 400 square meters at the CeRSAA research center. At this unique building, Solyndra’s photovoltaic systems have been incorporated into the greenhouse structures. Solyndra is going for an exclusive cylindrical technology (see video above). This technology helps in capturing direct, diffused, and reflected sunlight across a 360 degree surface and at the same time permitting a uniform transmission of light for the plants underneath.

The study will focus on the production of numerous crops common in the Mediterranean region. They will observe, measure and evaluate these crops which are grown under the greenhouse structures with the integrated solar system. This project will quantify and compare the yield and the expected benefit for crops grown under Solyndra’s new, integrated greenhouse structures with same crops grown in usual greenhouses.

The time span of this project will be 24 months. During this period all the partners will provide their expertise to this project. CeRSAA, special agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Savona, will take care of the design and implementation of agricultural studies as per its specialization. CeRSAA will also be responsible for technical and human resources. Solyndra is the United States based producer of solar systems. It had supplied the greenhouse framework and photovoltaic components. Solyndra has also supervised the construction of the test site. Enerqos Group is a leader in the design and implementation of PV systems in Italy. They are providing installation support and electrical contracting.

Solar ReFeel has specialization in both the ground-mounted and rooftop photovoltaic plants. Solar ReFeel is coordinating the research amongst the involved parties. Solar ReFeel will share the research findings. They also intend to cash in on the successful products.

The goal of the study is to fully understand and take advantage of the extraordinary potential of greenhouse integrated solar power development as a long-term, substantial business model.

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AE News Network.