Goodness Apple

Guntakal women lead in poverty-alleviation programme

Posted in Social by goodnessapple on May 5, 2010

Samaikya creates economic revolution channelising women power

Objective of the programme is to strengthen SHGs, build the capacity of community organisers

About 2,000 self-help groups formed with more than 15,200 members living in 48 slums

ANANTAPUR: Slum women in the Guntakal municipality are in the forefront of the poverty-alleviation programme being implemented by the Andhra Pradesh Urban Services for the Poor (APUSP) with the support of Andhra Pradesh Mahila Abhivruddi Society (APMAS). The APUSP has elected three towns in the State including Guntakal in Anantapur district, Gudivada in Krishna district and L.B.Nagar in Hyderabad. However, Guntakal women topped in their performance among the three Municipalities.


About 2,000 self-help groups had been formed with more than 15,200 members living in 48 slums under the banner of Sthree Shakti Pattana Mahila Samaikya. The Samaikya has created an economic revolution by channelising women power for constructive purposes.

The objective of the programme is to strengthen the SHGs and build the capacity of community organisers, project officers, community resource persons and facilitate networking of SHGs.

The Samaikya was able to organise bank linkages to eligible self help groups by providing them loans which was utilised by the women to generate income, repay old debts and come out of the clutches of private money lenders. Besides they had even undertaken income generation activity like basket-weaving, running of provisional stores, vegetable marketing and other allied activities apart from investing the amount on education, health and house repairs.

Family budgets have been prepared for the members of nearly 1,000 self-help groups and their family monthly to effectively plan their economies.

The self-help groups stand as a solid rock behind every member and rises to the occasion in times of crisis. Food security has been provided to the members of the Samaikya by distributing rice to the members. The Samaikya had been launched in April 2006 and ever since had been growing as a vibrant women’s organisation.

Majority of the SHGs joined the Janasree Bheema Yojana. The Pattana Samakya namely ‘Sthree Shakthi Pattana Mahila Samakya’ has resolved and created risk fund from May 2007 onwards to the insured persons.

Under this if any of the insured person or her nominee dies immediately an amount of Rs.2,000 will be paid from the risk fund without waiting for claim settlements.

The Samaikya women are also actively involved in sanitation and garbage clearance with the cooperation of the Guntakal municipality.

Reference Link

The Hindu