Goodness Apple

Now, mini-banks to provide crop loans

Posted in Agriculture by goodnessapple on May 11, 2010

JAIPUR: Rajasthan Cooperative Minister Parsadilal Meena has announced simplification of the crop loan disbursement system while authorising cooperative mini-banks to provide these loans to farmers at the village level. Earlier, the farmers had to approach the Central Cooperative Bank’s branches for getting the loans.

Mr. Meena said here that the facility would be available at the mini-banks functioning in 3,341 village cooperative societies in the first phase. The crop loans are being disbursed through over 5,000 village cooperative societies across the State.

The Minister said the State Government had set the target for providing benefit of the cooperative crop loan disbursement system to 8 lakh farmers this year. Crop loans worth Rs.3,300 crore were disbursed in the State during the previous year, he added.

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The Hindu

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